You Only Live Twice (1967)

Movie directed by Lewis Gilbert. Cinematography by Freddie Young. Gallery includes movie stills featuring Sean Connery as James Bond, Akiko Wakabayashi as Aki, Mie Hama as Kissy, Tetsurô Tanba as Tiger Tanaka, Teru Shimada, Karin Dor as Helga Brandt, Donald Pleasence as Blofeld, Bernard Lee as 'M', Lois Maxwell as Miss Moneypenny, Desmond Llewelyn as 'Q', Tsai Chin and Ronald Rich. Ken Adam was nominated for Best British Art Direction at the 1968 BAFTA Awards. 'You Only Live Twice' won the Golden Screen Award, Germany 1967

You-Only-Live-Twice-620 1920 x 816 007: with girl in You Only Live Twice (1967)

Color Palette
