Picnic at Hanging Rock (1975)

Movie directed by Peter Weir. Cinematography by Russell Boyd. Gallery includes movie stills featuring Rachel Roberts as Mrs. Appleyard, Vivean Gray as Miss McCraw, Helen Morse as Mlle. de Poitiers, Anne-Louise Lambert as Miranda, Margaret Nelson, Ingrid Mason, Karen Robson, Jane Vallis, Christine Schuler, Kirsty Child, Jacki Weaver and Tony Llewellyn-Jones. Russell Boyd won the BAFTA Film Award for Best Cinematography. He was nominated by the British Society of Cinematographers for the 1976 'Best Cinematography Award'. Judith Dorsman was nominated for a BAFTA Film Award for Best Costume Design

Picnic-at-Hanging-Rock-312 502 x 285

Color Palette