#3366aa - Flat Blue

RGB value: (51, 102, 170)h: 214 s: 0.5 v: 0.4

Hero movie 2002
Lost River movie 2014
Black Narcissus
Easy Rider
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Easy Rider
Romeo + Juliet 1996
Memories of Matsuko
Chunking Express
Romeo + Juliet 1996
La La Land
Chunking Express
The Boy Friend -  movie 1971
Chunking Express
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
What Dreams May Come
Farewell My Concubine
What Dreams May Come
Last Night in Soho
Chunking Express
The Cell - movie 2000
What Dreams May Come
Chunking Express
Crimes of Passion
Hero movie 2002