#6688cc - Blue Gray

RGB value: (102, 136, 204)h: 220 s: 0.5 v: 0.6

Avatar Movie 2009
Long Weekend, movie (1978)
Forrest Gump
My Blueberry Nights
Chunking Express
Easy Rider
Casino Movie 1995
Raise the Red Lantern
Lost River movie 2014
A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Avatar Movie 2009
Raise the Red Lantern
Chunking Express
Forbidden Planet - movie 1956
Forbidden Planet - movie 1956
2046 movie
Casino Royale 1967
Chunking Express
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
The Rose - Movie 1979
The Rose - Movie 1979
2046 movie
Kamikaze Girls